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Acergy Falcon
Image Ref: 365804
Vessel Type: Pipelay Vessel, IMO Number: 7409401, Gross Registered Tonnage: 10385, Year Built: 1976
Vessel Type: Pipelay Vessel, A Self-Propelled Dynamically Positioned Vessel Designed/Converted Specifically To Lay Pipelines. May Be Monohull Or Semi-Submersible & May Lay Pipe Conventionally Or From A Reel.
IMO Number: 7409401, Gross Registered Tonnage: 10385, Year Built: 1976, Photo Taken: 22/10/2010
3/4 Bow
IMO Number: 7409401, Gross Registered Tonnage: 10385, Year Built: 1976, Photo Taken: 22/10/2010
3/4 Bow