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August 2022 Naval vessels in the 1950s offer
A great selection of black & white prints from our older files. Name is followed by year built and flag. All photographed during the very early 1950s
Quote the Ref No. in the first column, ship name and size of print you require.
Ship club member price 6x4 inch £2.50 each / Non member price offer £5.00
Ship club member price 7x5 inch £5.00 each / Non member price offer £10.00
Ship club member price 10x8 inch £10.00 each / Non member price offer £20.00
These are special prices if you are a World Ship Club member.
Not a member? UK membership is £25.00 per annum, Europe & Overseas is £35.00 per annum.
You can make your payment using Paypal at: . you can use a valid debit or credit card. If you wish to order by post, please include a cheque, payable to Mr N Scutt.
Alternatively, a direct bank transfer can be made to:
Lloyds Bank Account: Nigel Scutt Account: 81081668 Sort: 77-63-20
IBAN: GB43LOYD77632081081668. BIC: LOYDGB21H33
BW1946 HMS Vanguard (B23) 1944 UK At anchor, dressed overall
BW2432 HMS Theseus (R64) 1944 UK At anchor, aircraft on flightdeck
BW3165 HMS Wrangler (F157) 1944 UK
BW3170 Jacob van Heemskerck (C803) 1947 DUT Departing Dover Harbour
BW3255 P1602 1950 UK At speed, with P5020
BW3632 HMS Boxer (F121 1943 UK Pictured as a Fighter Direction Ship
BW3684 USS Pvt William H Thomas (T-AP-185) 1942 USA Making smoke
August 2022 Tugs and their tows offer
A selection of black & white and colour prints from our files. Steadfast and dutiful, here’s a great choice of these small vessels going about their work, down the years. Name is followed by year built and flag, where known. Remember offers never go out of date and are continuous.
Quote the Ref No. in the first column, ship name and size of print you require.
Ship club member price 6x4 inch £2.50 each / Non member price August offer £5.00
Ship club member price 7x5 inch £5.00 each / Non member price August offer £10.00
Ship club member price 10x8 inch £10.00 each / Non member price August offer £20.00
These are special prices to you as a valued World Ship Club member. We are also now offering non member special monthly offers. You can make your payment using Paypal at: . you can use a valid debit or credit card. Alternatively, we accept cheques payable to Nigel Scutt, or a direct bank transfer can be made to:
Lloyds Bank Account: Nigel Scutt Account: 81081668 Sort: 77-63-20
IBAN: GB43LOYD77632081081668. BIC: LOYDGB21H33
Either send an email of your order to or by post to Fotoflite, Unit 48, Shearway Business Park,Shearway Road,FOLKESTONE,Kent CT194RH, UK
These are special prices to you as a valued World Ship Club member. We are also now offering non member special monthly offers. You can make your payment using Paypal at: . you can use a valid debit or credit card. Alternatively, we accept cheques payable to Nigel Scutt, or a direct bank transfer can be made to:
Lloyds Bank Account: Nigel Scutt Account: 81081668 Sort: 77-63-20
IBAN: GB43LOYD77632081081668. BIC: LOYDGB21H33
Either send an email of your order to or by post to Fotoflite, Unit 48, Shearway Business Park,Shearway Road,FOLKESTONE,Kent CT194RH, UK
Please enquire if you would like World Ship club membership
Black & White:
BW20711 Abeille No. 10 1944 FRA
BW67-0194 Abeille No. 14 1966 FRA
BW12294 Airman 1945 UK
BW3771 Superman 1933 UK
BW4212 F.T. Everard 1928 UK
BW5115 Englishman & Merchantman towing UK
BW6390 Fairplay I 1928 DUT
BW07820 Schelde 1926 DUT
BW07874 Headman 1924 UK
BW9263 TID 100 1944 UK
BW10298 Lady Brassey 1913 UK towing hopper barge UK
BW10631 Blankenburg 1938 DUT towing barge
BW10718 Poolzee 1942 DUT
BW10732 Danube VII 1946 UK towing motorised hopper barge
BW11041 Merchantman 1945 UK
BW11451 Perseverance 1931 UK
BW11676 Englishman 1945 UK
BW11725 Krooman 1938 DUT
BW11706 Masterman 1941 UK towing two fishing vessels
1941 UK towing two fishing vessels UK
BW11777 Gondia 1927 UK
BW11921 Nord-Holland 1945 DUT towing two lightvessels
BW12326 Loire 1952 DUT towing two barges
BW12659 Sun XV 1925 UK
BW12660 Kenia 1927 UK
BW13747 Egerton & Emphatic UK with M488 naval vessel
BW16535 Integrity 1918 UK
Colour: Tugs and offshore supply vessels
133144 Aatos 1975 FIN
291235 Abeille Bourbon 2005 FRA
19273 Abeille Bretagne alongside Chambon Mistral 1975 & 1979 respectively. FRA
280107 Ada D 1984 DUT
August 2022 Smokin’ ! Ship Club Offer
A selection of black & white prints from our files. Some steamers underway, in an era when scrubber systems weren’t even thought of. If ships belching black smoke is your kind of thing, this selection of 50 images is for you! Remember offers never go out of date and are continuous.
Name is followed by year built and flag, where known.
Quote the Ref No. in the first column, ship name and size of print you require.
Ship club member price 6x4 inch £2.50 each / Non member price August offer £5.00
Ship club member price 7x5 inch £5.00 each / Non member price August offer £10.00
Ship club member price 10x8 inch £10.00 each / Non member price August offer £20.00
These are special prices to you as a valued World Ship Club member. We are also now offering non member special monthly offers. You can make your payment using Paypal at: . you can use a valid debit or credit card. Alternatively, we accept cheques payable to Nigel Scutt, or a direct bank transfer can be made to:
Lloyds Bank Account: Nigel Scutt Account: 81081668 Sort: 77-63-20
IBAN: GB43LOYD77632081081668. BIC: LOYDGB21H33
Either send an email of your order to or by post to Fotoflite, Unit 48, Shearway Business Park,Shearway Road,FOLKESTONE,Kent CT194RH, UK
Please enquire if you would like World Ship club membership
Ref. Name Built Type Flag
BW2688 Isle of Sark 1932 Ferry UK
BW3140 Balantia (at anchor) 1944 Cargo UK
BW3217 Taboga 1924 Cargo LEB
BW3295 Fair Head 1937 Cargo UK
BW3321 Clan Macnair 1921 Cargo UK
BW3638 Dagmar Bratt 1920 Cargo SWE
BW3684 Pvt William H Thomas 1942 Auxiliary USA
BW3721 Highwear 1936 Cargo UK
BW3829 Rena 1920 Cargo PAN
BW3958 Audax 1918 Cargo NOR
BW4055 City of Evansville (at anchor) 1922 Cargo UK
BW4430 Lombardy 1921 Cargo UK
BW4698 Kylebute 1900 Cargo UK
BW5003 Cerne 1924 Cargo UK
BW5254 City of Antwerp 1915 Cargo UK
BW5786 Holmside 1947 Cargo UK
BW5920 Axinite 1928 Cargo UK
BW5922 Belgian Gulf 1929 Tanker PAN
BW6343 Helga Schroder 1907 Cargo GER
BW6351 Dynamo 1926 Cargo UK
BW6502 Prenj 1905 Cargo YUG
BW07041 Dunvegan Head 1921 Cargo UK
BW07262 Pulborough 1945 Cargo UK
BW08306 Marte 1900 Cargo SPA
BW08309 Bruce M (Gibraltar in the background) 1910 Cargo UK
BW08573 Tenagodus 1944 Tanker UK
BW9135 Largs Bay 1921 Passenger UK
BW10573 Volonta 1907 Cargo
BW11255 Apexity 1945 Tanker UK
BW11300 Glanowen 1944 Cargo UK
BW11337 Burmah Star 1953 Tanker UK
BW11429 Colonel Crompton 1933 Cargo UK
BW12127 Castel Bianco 1945 Cargo Passenger ITA
White Cliffs of Dover in the background – pictured after extensive refit
BW12334 Clan Chattan 1944 Cargo UK
BW12442 Dalegarth Force 1918 Cargo UK
BW14158 Wearfield 1943 Tanker UK
BW15042 Thalassoporos 1944 Cargo GRE
BW15371 Lombardy 1921 Cargo UK
BW15532 Blue Ocean 1946 Reefer
BW16725 Pravda 1928 Cargo RUS
BW18374 Westburn 1929 Cargo UK
BW18493 Patrick M 1921 Cargo UK
BW19383 El Saturno 1921 Cargo SPA
BW20121 City of Dundee 1921 Cargo UK
(White Cliffs of Dover in the background)
BW20849 Lord Kelvin 1916 Cable UK
BW21864 Holdernith 1944 Cargo UK
BW22043 Asia 1947 Cargo UK
BW22241 Galatea 1919 Cargo UK
BW23482 Carmargue (White Cliffs of Dover in the background) 1952 Tanker
Corporation of Trinity House Vessels Offer
Pilotage, waymarking, surveying and safe navigation has been the guiding light, indeed the very reason for the existence of the Corporation of Trinity House. The charitable organisation has been achieving this for over 500 years and this offer includes a selection of Trinity House vessels through the years. From Pilot cutters to Buoy tenders, Lightships to LANBYS, this offer has some real gems. Colour and black & white (BW prefix) 6x4 inch postcard size prints, available at member’s discounted prices. . You can view the images on the FotoFlite website, by searching the Ref. No.
Take a look at the list…..
Vessel: Built Ref: Notes:
THV 01 THV Beacon 1925 BW11311
THV02 THV Mermaid 1959 828 THV Siren and lightship in background
THV03 THV Mermaid 1987 66731 With workboat and LANBY
THV04 THV Mermaid 1987 66735 With workboat and LANBY
THV05 THV Mermaid 1987 77000 Lovely bow view with selection of buoys on deck
THV06 THV Mermaid 1987 167161 Towing a lightship
THV07 THV Mermaid 1987 182188 Alongside a lightship
THV08 THV Siren 1960 827
THV09 THV Siren 1960 53163 A lovely shot of her off Dungeness
THV10 THV Siren 1960 54854 With workboat and lightship
THV11 THV Patricia 1938 1703
THV12 THV Patricia 1938 BW14280 With the White Cliffs of Dover in background
THV13 THV Patricia 1982 33072
THV14 THV Patricia 1982 66334 Working with LANBY
THV15 THV Patricia 1982 66335 Working with LANBY
THV16 THV Patricia 1982 89793 With two lightship alongside
THV17 THV Patricia 1982 131233 Towing a lightship
THV18 THV Patricia 1982 159165 With workboat and LANBY
THV19 THV Patricia 1982 335623 Lovely shot with white cliffs in the background
THV20 THV Alert 1946 BW6557
THV21 THV Alert 2006 307304 Taken when new ¾ bow
THV22 THV Alert 2006 307306 Taken when new ¾ stern
THV23 THV Alert 2006 333444 Alongside a lightship
THV24 THV Galatea 2007 319655 Taken in her first year, deck crane swung out ¾ bow
THV25 THV Galatea 2007 319658 Taken in her first year, deck crane swung out ¾ stern
THV26 THV Galatea 2007 368042 With workboat
THV27 THV Galatea 2007 373963 Towing a lightship
THV28 THV Galatea 2007 416425 Alongside a lightship
THV29 THV Galatea 2007 331842 At the Varne No.19 lightship
THV30 THPV Pathfinder (No. 14) 1954 307448
THV31 THPV Bembridge (No. 1) 1938 BW12187
THV32 THPV Gurnard (No. 3) 1932 BW14488
THV33 THPV Kihna (No. 10) 1930 BWX658 Rough weather shot
THV34 THPV Patrol (No. 19) 1961 BWX7748 Photographed when new
THV35 THPV Patrol (No. 19) 1961 366858
THV36 THPV Pelorus (No. 4) 1948 BWX7380
THV37 THPV Penlee (No. 5) 1948 BW3596
THV38 THPV Pioneer (No. 6) 1924 BW4176
THV49 Lodesman 90570 With LANBY
THV40 Lodesman 121234 With lightship
THV 41 Seven pilot launches in formation off Harwich taken in the mid 1980s Ref: 47872
THV42 Royal Sovereign Lightship BW5013
THV43 Varne Lightship (No. 21) 201259 With buoy tender nearby
THV44 Varne Lightship (No. 95) BW665107
THV45 Varne Lightship 176612
THV46 Varne Lightship 325946
THV47 Varne Lightship (No. 3) 1013
THV48 Varne Lightship (No. 6) 397211
THV49 Varne Lightship (No. 7) 41732
THV50 Varne Lightship (No. 16) BW23453
THV51 Varne Lightship (No. 22) 201258
THV52 North Goodwin Lightship 785
THV53 South Goodwin Lightship BW15724 With buoy tender 1954
THV54 South Goodwin Lightship BW16335 Wrecked and partially submerged 1955
THV55 South Goodwin Lightship 215814
THV56 South Goodwin Lightship (No. 6) 69786
THV57 East Goodwin Lightship (No. 21) 332891
THV58 Greenwich Lightship 340763
THV59 Greenwich Lightship (No. 22) 346056
THV60 Greeenwich Lightship (No. 24) 159044
THV61 Channel Lightship (No. 23) 13008
THV62 Sandettie Lightship 146745
THV63 Sandettie LANBY (a) 86235
THV64 Sandettie LANBY (b) 335349
THV65 Sandettie Lightship 246 With buoy tender
THV 66West Hinder Lightship BWX2763
THV67 West Hinder Lightship 7470 With buoy tender
THV68 Tongue Lightship BW16723
THV69 Outer Gabbard Lightship 364653
Quote the THV No. in the first column and size of print you require.
6x4 inch £3.50 each
7x5 inch £5.00 each
6x4 inch £10.00 each
These are special prices to you as a valued World Ship Club member. You can make your payment using Paypal at: . You do not need a Paypal account, you can use a valid debit or credit card. Alternatively, a direct bank transfer can be made to:
Lloyds Bank Account: Nigel Scutt. Account: 81081668 Sort: 77-63-20
Don't have a Paypal account and not ordering via the website?
Here's an even easier way to pay for your order!
Payment can also be made into the following bank account:
Nigel Scutt. Account No: 81081668 Sort Code: 77-63-20
A quick update for all our members.
Firstly, all subsriptions paid for 2022 ensure that your membership is active and continues.
Secondly, thank you to you all for bearing with us during the transitional period. This has now completed and we will be producing some new photo offers next week.
One of these will be in the traditional offer style and additionally, we will have two extra offers for you, Falklands 40 and The Platinum Jubilee Collection.
New Website Now Live!
We are delighted to announce that our new website is live and open for business!
After 14 years sterling service since the launch of the old site, which was starting to look its age, the new one brings us back up to date, with a new mobile friendly design and improved security and functionality.
As you can imagine, behind the scenes, migrating the image data was quite an undertaking, with over 500K records and images to transfer!